Peg’s hand spun yarn featured in a national magazine

Spin-Off Mag 2016 Spring Cover MedWe were pleased to learn that two of Peg’s hand-spun yarns were featured in an article in the Spring 2016 issue of Spin·off magazine. The article begins with a picture of the finished cowl on page 84.

Many thanks to La Bourgeois for choosing Piñon Wood Ranch Fibers yarn in her beautiful cowl.

Obviously there’s not enough chaos at PWR

We told you about the surprise puppy living in the house. Well, as if that wasn’t enough we ended up with an orphaned lamb that needed a warm place to live, and our attention for a few weeks as well. Here’s Ghirardelli (Ghirry [geary] for short):

Peg & Ghirry 2
Peg with Ghirry after his bottle



Ghirry and Peg tête-à-tête
Ghirry and Peg in a tête-à-tête










The babies have met and played together

Ghirry checking out SpringGhirry checking out Spring

Spring Ghirry & Peg
Spring Ghirry & Peg








Yes, I know – “What a Zoo!”